Monday, November 14, 2011

Acts The Sequel: KWO

In Acts 2, when the Spirit introduces himself to the Church, the Kingdom of God "makes an entrance."  It doesn't knock or call ahead; it just shows up, kicks in the door, hangs up the disco ball, and gets its swerve on.  Spontaneous foreign language fluency and an Easter sermon lead to 3000 baptisms!  What a logistical nightmare: there were not enough white jumpers for 3000 people, not to mention towels.  How many times did the song leader have to sing "O Happy Day?" Mary had only prepared communion for 120. "We don't even have a New Member minister."

There are times I wish I could have been in the crowd that day, felt the rush of the Spirit, heard Peter speak of a risen Lord, seen the people's hearts melt, and watch the water ripple with thousands of immersions.  For that matter, I wish I could be a fly on all the pages of Acts - to feel and experience the unmistakable work of the Spirit.  I have thought before, "If only the Spirit did such amazing feats today!"  But he does... oh he does!

While preaching at GCR, I stepped into the pages of 21st Century Acts.  During my first year, John Defore- a GCR member told me the story of the Spirit uniting a West Texas megachurch and the scattered rural churches of Kenya in an unlikely and powerful marriage that would change the shape of a country and the faith of thousands. The story follows OT genealogical phrasing: World Bible School beget Kenyan Christians, Kenyan Christians beget churches, churches beget orphanages, and orphanages beget KWO (Kenya Widows and Orphans).  Check out the story HERE.  It will blow your mind!!

Although things didn't end at GCR as I would have desired (due to my fault), there were many joys and great experiences in my 2.5 years there... I met some dear people.  It was a great place to worship and preach.  I found a second family in the staff.  I learned hard and humbling lessons that are making me a better man and follower of Christ.  But at the top of the list is the miracle happening in the sugar cane fields and green hills of Kenya and in the hearts of GCR members. 

"Thank you, Lord, for letting me see your Spirit in action!"


  1. Alli and I miss you so much Charlton, you are and allways will be my favorite preacher.

  2. Matt, thanks for the kind words. It was always good to see Alli's and your smiling faces on the third row. Blessings!!

  3. Charlton, yes, thank you also for always shaking hands and saying hi during Welcome time. We wished now that we could have gotten to know you better. I also want to say thanks for helping Matt grow spiritually. He is not quite there yet but he is a whole lot closer thanks to you. Your sermons did speak to us and we loved them. We understand now the reasons, but we will miss you. You and your family will be in our prayers as you rebuild. I also pray that you will find forgiveness and especially forgiveness for yourself. I know guilt and it does weigh you down heavily. It is so hard to forgive yourself. When I feel that way, I remember that song, "He casts our sins as far as the east is from the west." Remember God loves us no matter what and He sends those lyrics to me every time I feel guilty about past sins. Even if I cant remember that whole song, those lyrics come over me and brings hope and peace. We were blessed by you those 2.5 years. Thanks again! :) Alli

  4. Amazing words. Thanks, brother. I'll never forget you running from Lee McGraw to Dirubi orphanage in those shoes, and us following after you asking the locals if they had seen our lost mzungu! Looking forward to taking you (and MB) back some day.



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